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PNG languages

A16646, cont on A16647 & A16648 Side 1: Playing time in minutes -- Telefolmin (K.L. Pike) 0-21 - Papuan language, Thurnwald Range, east of Sepik River, Western Province, PNG. See also tape 205. -- Kuni of Lake Murray 21-25 - Austronesian language on Upper Kuluna and Dilara Rivers, Central Province, PNG. -- Bagwa 25-30 - Possibly Pokau (= Nara), Austronesian language to south of Kuni. (west of Lake Murray). -- Yabêm = Yabim, a coastal Austronesian language on Eaast Huon Penin. Morobe Province, PNG. See also tape 208. -- Kawa? 46-52 - Possible Kawe, an Austronesian language of Waigo Island, West Asian. -- Gogodala 56-62 - Papuan language, north bank of the Fly River Delta, Western Province, PNG. -- Gragred (Prodigal Son) 62-68 - Possibly the Austronesian language Gedaged, south of Alexishafen, Madang Province, PNG. -- Bosngun 68-73 = Bosman, Papuan language around town of Bosman on Ramu River, Madang Province, PNG. -- Manam 73-81 - Austronesian language of Manam Island, Madang Province, PNG. -- Nubia 81-87 - Unidentified. -- Mewun, Malekula 87-102 (cont, on Side 2) - Dialect of Austronesian South West Bay language, Malekula Island, Vanuatu. See also tape 405. -- Side 2: -- Mewun (Malekula) 0-14 - See above. -- Songgum (Prodigal Son) 14-21 = Songum, Papuan language on Lower Kabenau River, Madang Province, PNG. -- Amele 21-37 - Papuan language spoken south-west of Madang, Madang Province, PNG. See also tape [131]. -- Nobnob 37-47 - Unidentified. -- Graged 47-59 - See side 1. -- Boikin 59-74 = Boiken, Papuan language of the town of Boiken, the offshore islands and the Prince Alexander Mountains, East Sepik Province, PNG. -- Ulithi Songs 74-83 = Ulithian, Austronesian language of a western island group in the Caroline Islands, Micronesia. See also tape 423. -- But (Arapesh) 83-88 - Papuan language Mountain Arapesh, recorded at the coastal town of But, East Sepik Province, PNG. -- Pidgin version of But story 88-102 (cont. on tape 424).. Language as given: Telefolmin, Kuni, Bagwa, Yabêm, Kawa, Gogodala, Gragred, Bosngun, Manam, Nubia, Mewun, Malekula, Songgum, Amele, Nobnob, Graged, Boikin, Ulithi, But, Pidgin. You can access this item at the PARADISEC website. You will need to sign up or sign in first.
Arthur Capell
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