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New Zealand and American scientists record the solar eclipse on a lonely Pacific island

Interesting scenes at Niuafou Island, situated in the mid-Pacific, half-way between Samoa and Fiji, where the total solar eclipse of October 22 was observed by parties of astronomers from New Zealand and the United States. Both expeditions were successful, most satisfactory results were obtained. These eight pictures show: 1. A view from the sea, showing the astronomers' camp on the island. 2. The American expedition's Einstein camera in process of erection. 3. S.S. Tofua off Niuafou, The vessel calls monthly to collect and deliver mail. 4. H.M.S. Laburnum, of the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy, which conveyed the New Zealand party from Suva, Fiji, to the island. 5. A group of the combined expedition. Dr. C. E. Adams (right) and Captain Kepler (left), leaders of the Dominion and American expeditions respectively, can be seen seated in the centre of the front row. 6. The cableway to the top of a 40 ft cliff above the landing stage. All heavy gear was hauled up by this method. 7. Natives with the 'tin-can' mail at the side of the Tofua. When weather conditions permit the mail is sealed in tins and floated out to the steamer by the islanders, who are strong swimmers. They bring mail ashore in the same manner. 8. The American expedition's giant 63 ft telescope, which pointed directly at the spot where the total eclipse would occur.
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Auckland Weekly News
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