Fainjur: men, one wearing barkcloth cap, and boy in garden, banana trees
- Description:
- Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175 (https://lib.ucsd.edu/sca) This digital image is a surrogate of an item from the Roy Rappaport Papers (Archive negative 2, Roll 34, Envelope 8-13, Frame 8) Described in field notes for September 17, 1962 [Title, Date]. Roy Rappaport Papers. MSS 516. Special Collections & Archives... OceaniaMelanesiaPacific IslandsMadang Province (Papua New Guinea)Papua New Guinea
- Display date:
- September 17, 1962
- Location:
- Papua New Guinea
- Format:
- image
- Collections:
- Digital Public Library of America
- Contributors:
- UC San Diego, Special Collections and Archives
- Content partner:
- UC San Diego, Special Collections and Archives
- Availability:
- Not specified
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