David Rumsey
The collection contains more than 150,000 maps focusing on rare 16th through 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania.
Showing 1225 items from David Rumsey
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Ethnographical Map of Europe, in the Earliest Times, Illustrative of Dr. Pritchard's Natural History of Man and His Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. Second Edition - 1861.David RumseyImage
Ethnographical Map of South America, in the Earliest Times, Illustrative of Dr. Pritchard's Natural History of Man and His Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. Second Edition - 1861.David RumseyImage
Stieler's Hand-Atlas ... No. 52. Ost-Polynesien. (insets) Hawaii Vulkane. Floriana. Honolulu. Tahiti.David RumseyImage
A view of Huaheine. J. Webber del. W. Byrne sculp. (London, G. Nicol and T. Cadell, 1785)David RumseyImage
Karte von Koenigreiche Schweden. Nach den neuesten Beobachtungen. Neu verzeichnet herausgegeben von Franz Joh. Ios. von Reilly. Zu finden im von Reilly'schen Landkarten und Kunstwerke Verschleiss Komptoir. Wien, 1796. Gestochen von F. Muller. (to accompany) Grosser Deutscher Atlas.David RumseyImage
Commercial Atlas of America. Rand McNally Standard Map of Oceania and Malaysia. (with) Eastern Protion of French Polynesia. (with) Hawaiian Is. (with) New Caledonia and Loyalty Islands.David RumseyImage
75. Polynesia (Westliches Blatt). (insets) Ost-Neu-Guinea. Samoa. Viti oder Fiji Inseln. Neu-Caledonia. Tonga.David RumseyImage
Karte von konigreiche Portugal : nach Lopezs. Neu verzeichnet herausgegeben von Franz Joh. Jos. von Reilly. Zu finden im von Reilly'schen Landkarten und Kunstwerke Verschleiss Komptoir. Wien, 1795. Gestochen von Kil. Ponheimer. (inset) Sonnen system. (to accompany) Grosser Deutscher Atlas.David RumseyImage
(A view in the island of Huaheine, with the Ewharra no Eatua or House of God). W. Woollett sculp. No. 6. (London: printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell in the Strand, MDCCLXXIII).David RumseyImage
Omai. Drawn from nature by W. Hodges. Engraved by J. Caldwall. No. LVII. Published Feby. 1st., 1777 by Wm. Strahan, New Street, Shoe Lane & Thos. Cadell in the Strand, London.David RumseyImage
Polynesia or islands in the Pacific Ocean. Mariana Is. or Ladrones. Pelew Is. or Palaos. Gilbert Ids. or Scarborough Range. Marshall Ids. Otdia or Romanzoff Group. Galapagos Ids. Marquesas Is. or Mendana Archo. Sandwich Ids. Samoa or Navigator Ids. Tonga or Friendly Is. Tonga-Tabou Id. Santa Cruz Is. Vanikoro Id. Admiralty Isles, New Ireland or Tombara, New Britain or Birara, Salomon (sic) Islands. Norfolk Id. The Low Archipelago (Society Islands), Otaheite or Tahiti. Cooks or Hervey Isles. Pitcairn Island. Juan Fernandez. (Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge). Engraved by J. & C. Walker. London, published by Chapman & Hall, 186, Strand, June 15th. 1840. (1844)David RumseyImage Kiribati Marshall Islands Palau
Oceania, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, on Mercators Projection, Comprising Polynesia, Malaysia and Australasia. Compiled from the British Admiralty Charts, the Surveys of the U. States Exploring Expedition and Lieut. Raper's Table of Maritime Positions. By J. Hugh Johnson, F.R.G.S. LXXI. Engraved by A. Fullarton & Co. A. Fullarton & Co. Edinburgh, London & Dublin.David RumseyImage
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David Rumsey
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