David Rumsey
The collection contains more than 150,000 maps focusing on rare 16th through 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania.
Showing 1225 items from David Rumsey
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XXXill. Pont de cordage pres de Penipe, 230.David RumseyImage
Iles Mariannes. Oceanique no. 5. (Dresse par Ph. Vandermaelen, lithographie par H. Ode. Sixieme partie. - Oceanique. Bruxelles. 1827)David RumseyImage Guam
Bahia de Jagua.David RumseyImage
Plano de la Bahía del Almirantazgo, en la parte Ocidental de la Isla Bequia...David RumseyImage
ABC, The pathfinder railway guide map : Western section. Issued by the New England Railway Publishing Company, 67 Federal St., Boston, Mass. Copyright, 1902.David RumseyImage Guam
(Text page) A Monsieur Ennius Quirinus Visconti Membre de L'Institut de France. A. de Humboldt. Aime BonplandDavid RumseyImage
II. Buste d'une pretresse azteque, Vue par derrier, 4David RumseyImage
Ensenada de San Juan.David RumseyImage
Conflit Hispano Americain : Carte du Theatre de la Guerre : Dressee Specialement pour les Lecteurs de la Depeche. Grave et imprime par Charaire, Paris, Sceaux.David RumseyImage
Plano de Bahia Antigua.David RumseyImage
LXIX. Le dragonnier de l'Orotava, 298.David RumseyImage
Plano del fondeadero de Carolína y del Puerto Escocés...David RumseyImage
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David Rumsey
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