David Rumsey
The collection contains more than 150,000 maps focusing on rare 16th through 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania.
Showing 1388 items from David Rumsey
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(A view of the inside of a house in the island of Ulietea, with the representation of a dance to the music of the country). I.B. Cipriani del. F. Bartolozzi sculp. No. 7. (London: printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell in the Strand, MDCCLXXIII).David RumseyImage
Karte von der Republik der Vereinigten Niederlande. Neu verzeichnet herausgegeben von Franz Joh. Jos. Von Reilly. Zu finden im von Reilly'schen Landkarten und Kunstwerke Verschleiss Komptoir. Wien, 1795. Gestochen von Jos. Stober. (inset) Grafsc Valkenburg. (to accompany) Grosser Deutscher Atlas.David RumseyImage
Oceania or Pacific Ocean. Oceania or Oceanica Comprises Three Major Divisions. Viz. Australia, Malaysia and Polynesia. (inset map) Wilkes' Discoveries on a Reduced Scale.David RumseyImage
Principaux Archipels d'Oceanie. Carte 79. Dresse par Ch. Bonnesseur et D. Aitoff. 2-31. Imp. Dufrenoy, Paris. Librarie Hachette. Grave par R. Lobrot. La lettre par H. Delgoffe.David RumseyImage
Stieler's Hand-Atlas (No. 52). Ost-Polynesien.David RumseyImage
Harbours of Papieti, Toanoa, Papaoa and Matavai Bay with the Ship Channel through Reef, Island of Tahiti, by the U.S.Ex.Ex. 1839.David RumseyImage
Oceanie.David RumseyImage
Australien und Ozeanien.David RumseyImage
Australien nach Krusenstern u.A. in Mercators Projection. Nachtrage bis 1832. No. LXII. Stieler's Hand-Atlas (No. 50).David RumseyImage
Chart of the Society Isles, discovered by Lieut. J. Cook, 1769. J. Cheevers sculpsit. (London: printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell in the Strand, MDCCLXXIII).David RumseyImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
Oceanique Orient.David RumseyImage
Oceania and Pacific Ocean.David RumseyImage
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David Rumsey
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