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Solomon Islands country report : profiles and results from survey work at Nggela, Marau, Rarumana and Chubikopi (June to September 2006 and December 2006)Pacific CommunityText
International Ship and Port facility Security (ISPS) code - What does it mean for fishing vessel security?Pacific CommunityText
Sedentary resource management in Onna village, Okinawa, JapanPacific CommunityText
Utilisation of sharksPacific CommunityText
Guide d’initiation à la télédétection appliquée à la pêche hauturière des thonidésPacific CommunityText
Report of observer activity on board Jamarc driftnet vessel R.V. Shinhoyo Maru fishing for albacore in the South Pacific Ocean: (22 November-23 December 1989 and 10 February-3 March 1990)Pacific CommunityText
Début d'une nouvelle époque pour la pêche du thon à la palangre en Polynésie françaisePacific CommunityText
Crustacés de Nouvelle-Calédonie (Décapodes & Stomatopodes) - Illustration des espèces communes et liste documentée des espèces terrestres et des récifsPacific CommunityText
Resource assessment of the holothurian populations in the SeychellesPacific CommunityText
Identification guide to the common coastal food fishes of the Pacific Islands regionPacific CommunityText
New Caledonia country report: Profile and results from survey work at Ouassé, Thio, Luengoni, Oundjo and Moindou (March, April and November 2003 ; January, February, April, June, August and November 2004 ; April and May 2005, January to March 2006, and January and February 2007)Pacific CommunityText
Les gardiennes des jardins coralliens : l’importance du ramassage d’organismes marins aux TongaPacific CommunityText
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