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1st Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture (FestPAC) - Fiji, 1972Pacific CommunityVideo
10th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture - American Samoa, 2008Pacific CommunityVideo
8th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture - New Caledonia, 2000Pacific CommunityVideo
6th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture - Cooks Islands, 1992Pacific CommunityVideo
Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPAC) historyPacific CommunityVideo
Digital Earth Pacific in detecting illegal miningPacific CommunityVideo
Digital Earth Pacific partnering with governmentsPacific CommunityVideo
What is Digital Earth Pacific's Water Observation From Space (WOFS)?Pacific CommunityVideo
Sharing disability inclusion advocacy experiences across the PacificPacific CommunityVideo
SPC's Social Citizenship Education programmePacific CommunityVideo
SPC FestPAC Entertainment Stage Day 1 Papua New Guinea ContemporaryPacific CommunityVideo
SPC FestPAC Entertainment Stage Day 1 Solomon IslandsPacific CommunityVideo
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Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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