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Account of Fighting in the Mortlocks in the 1800sNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Mortlock Islands
Tale of a Mangrove Crab and a Saltwater Eel, SatawanNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Satawan Atoll
Legendary Tale of Taimwahn and Kisin Ntamwahu, PohnpeiNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Pohnpei
Dr. Rufino Mauricio "Ancient Religion and Government in Present Day Kitti, Pohnpei"NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Pohnpei
Legend of Lianensokele, PohnpeiNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Pohnpei
Legendary Tale of a Kepinne Man Who Fooled the Metipw Chief, PohnpeiNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Pohnpei
Legendary Tale of Mwahna Walek, PohnpeiNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Pohnpei
Account of Labor Work in Nauru, PingelapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Pingelap
Account of the Early Western Contact, PingelapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Pingelap
Tale of Stingray, PingelapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Pingelap
Marshallese song on Labor Work on Nauru, PingelapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Pingelap
Account of the Beginning of Christianity, PingelapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Pingelap
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