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Project Identification Form: Implementing a 'Ridge to Reef' approach to protected biodiversity and ecosystem functions in Tuvalu (R2R Tuvalu)Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)Text
Tuvalu National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)| Fourth National Report to the Convention on Biological DiversitySecretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)Text
Kingdom of Tonga's Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biological DiversitySecretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)Text Tonga
Letter from Sidney Jennings Legendre, April 1, 1943College of Charleston LibrariesText
Letter from Gertrude Sanford Legendre, January 4, 1943College of Charleston LibrariesText
Letter from Gertrude Sanford Legendre, June 4, 1943College of Charleston LibrariesText
Letter from Sidney Jennings Legendre, September 4, 1945College of Charleston LibrariesText
Letter from Sidney Jennings Legendre, October 12, 1942College of Charleston LibrariesText
Letter 2 from Gertrude Sanford Legendre, January 11, 1943College of Charleston LibrariesText
Letter from Gertrude Sanford Legendre, February 9, 1943College of Charleston LibrariesText
Letter from Sidney Jennings Legendre, October 3, 1945College of Charleston LibrariesText
Letter from Sidney Jennings Legendre, April 12, 1943College of Charleston LibrariesText
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