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VPB-216 - Rep of Ops in the Palau Is, 9/17/44-10/31/44National Archives at College Park - Textual ReferenceText
COMTASK-UNIT 32.3.3 - Comments, observations and reccomendations on opers in the invasion of Peleliu Island, Palau Islands, 9/15-22/44National Archives at College Park - Textual ReferenceText
Medical Supply Storehouse #2, Okinawa Jima, Ryukyu Retto, Japan Anguar, Palau Islands, 12/1/45-1/25/46National Archives at College Park - Textual ReferenceText
Ray H. Wheeler, Lewiston, Utah: an interview by Winston P. Erickson, March 21, 2000: Saving the legacy tape no. 79University of Utah - J. Willard Marriott LibraryText Guam
USS HUNT - Addition to Rep of Surface Action on 4/1/44, SE of Palau IsNational Archives at College Park - Textual ReferenceText
VS-66 - ACA Rep #83-Air opers against the Marshall Islands on 7/30/45National Archives at College Park - Textual ReferenceText
COM GUAM ISLAND - War Diary, 10/1-31/45National Archives at College Park - Textual ReferenceText
ARMY, 819TH TANK DESTROYER BATTALION, HDQTRS - Rep of opers in the Palau Islands OperationNational Archives at College Park - Textual ReferenceText
ARMY, 483d AAA AW BN (SEM) - Rep of opers in the invasion & occupation of Angaur Island, Palau Islands, 9/15/44 - 10/21/44National Archives at College Park - Textual ReferenceText
LEWIS HANCOCK - Act Rep, 3/30/44, South of Palau IslandsNational Archives at College Park - Textual ReferenceText
USS LST-42 - Rep of Ops in the Invasion of the Palau Is, 9/4/44 - 10/2/44National Archives at College Park - Textual ReferenceText
OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] fines Guam construction company $49,200 for safety violations, issued by OSHA on June 11, 2007National Archives at College Park - Electronic RecordsText
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