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GUNNERY Sergeant Dick times sit-ups during physical fitness trainingNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Chinese-American girls, Honolulu, Hawaii, ca. 1929University of Southern California Digital LibraryImage Hawaiʻi
The Chilean Tall Ship Esmeralda (BE 43), a training ship, sits in Pearl Harbor at sunset, while on a four-day port visit before heading to Japan. The ship is a 360-foot steel-hulled, four-masted brigantine with thirty-one sails, making her one of the largest sailing vessels afloatNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Sacred Heart Rectory, Honolulu, Hawaii, ca. 1930-1950University of Southern California Digital LibraryImage Hawaiʻi
An examination of charges against the American missionaries at the Sandwich Islands as alleged in the voyage of the ship Blonde and in the London quarterly reviewBoston Public LibraryImage
OahuHuntington LibraryImage
Maryknoll priests after retreat at Hong Kong, China, 1923University of Southern California Digital LibraryImage
Mikaela Moore & Yeelena Faustino, 2019University of Oregon LibrariesImage
Bryum capillareUniversity of Michigan. LibrariesImage
Pearl Harbor survivors call roll at memorial ceremoniesTemple UniversityImage
District 25 Kiwanis presidents conferLos Angeles Public LibraryImage
[Assignment: 48-DPA-01-12-09_SOI_K_Mt_Vernon] Visit of Secretary Dirk Kempthorne to Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens, Mount Vernon, Virginia, [for touring and announcement of the U.S. nomination of the George Washington home, along with the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in Hawaii, for inclusion on the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO's) World Heritage List. Joining Secretary Kempthorne for the announcement was James Rees, Executive Director of the Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens.] [48-DPA-01-12-09_SOI_K_Mt_Vernon_IOD_9493.JPG]National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
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