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Raul McClin taking note of a radiation reading on Enjebi Island, summer 1964University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Inter-island steamer RAN-ANNIM anchored off of Bikini Island, summer 1964University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Crew of the ship RAN-ANNIM, summer 1964University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Radiological Survey party taking first radiation readings on Bikini Island beach, July 15, 1947University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Papaya plant, previously unseen on the Islands in Bikini Atoll, summer 1949University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
The interesting and affecting history of Prince Lee Boo: a native of the Pelew Islands, brought to England by Capt. WilsonUniversity of WashingtonImage
Researchers prepare for a langusta hunt at the Eniwetok Marine Biological Laboratory, August 9, 1964University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Unidentified man receiving a necklace from a native woman, Marshall Islands, 1947University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Untitled essay on Bikini Atoll and the Scientific Resurveys of 1947 and 1949University of WashingtonText Marshall Islands
Village scene showing native woman with child, Rongelap Island, August 24, 1964University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Kelshaw Bonham taking radiation readings from a crab from various angles, Bikini Atoll, Summer 1964University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Bikini Island beach, summer 1964University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
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