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Microlepia speluncaeUniversity of Michigan. LibrariesImage
Magana, BonifacioBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Mangot, TomasBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
The mango weevil : (Cryptorhynchus magniferae Fabr.)U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibraryText
Hyophila involutaUniversity of Michigan. LibrariesImage
Ryukyu: a bibliographical guide to Okinawan studies; surveying important primary sources and writings in Ryukyuan, Japanese, Chinese, and KoreanIndiana UniversityText
Ilustrisimo, CiprianoBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Armecin, HonoratoBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Pascua, RetitutoBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Sadleria unisoraUniversity of Michigan. LibrariesImage
Torrenueva, TeodoricoBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Quebral, JoseBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
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