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Footage of Yap in 1978NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
Footage of Yap in the 1980sNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
Maap Men's Standing Dance "Sabow", YapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Maap
Mangyol Cultural Site, Makiy Village, Gagil Municipality, YapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
山野ケン陽次郎・山極海嗣・片岡修「サイパン・プロジェクトの意義–北マリアナ諸島歴史保存局収蔵遺物の調査–」NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Capitol Hill
Battle of the Bands, Majuro, Marshall Islands, September 25, 2024NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Marshall Islands
Battle of the Bands, Majuro, Marshall Islands, September 26, 2024NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Marshall Islands
Battle of the Bands, Majuro, Marshall Islands, September 24, 2024NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Marshall Islands
Going around Bonriki, Tarawa Atoll, KiribatiNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Kiribati
Going around Majuro Atoll, Marshall IslandsNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Marshall Islands
Going from Bonriki to Betio, Tarawa Atoll, KiribatiNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Kiribati
Interview with Alson Kelen (Director of Waan Aelõñ in Majel) about the Marshallese Canoe CultureNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Marshall Islands
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