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"Stop the Tour 1976" protest in WellingtonAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Samoa
New Zealand (Wellington, Manawatu)Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Men at a bodybuilding competition, posing on stage and backstage at an undentified venue in PoriruaAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Samoa
Scenes taken at Hui Topu, the first all Aotearoa Anglican Maori hui, Turangawaewae Marae, NgaruawahiaAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Multiple Locations
Scenes taken at Hui Topu, the first all Aotearoa Anglican Maori hui, Turangawaewae Marae, NgaruawahiaAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Multiple Locations
Scenes taken at Hui Topu, the first all Aotearoa Anglican Maori hui, Turangawaewae Marae, NgaruawahiaAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Multiple Locations
Photographs relating to Wesley Methodist Church and Hall, Taranaki Street, WellingtonAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Samoa
Photographs relating to Wesley Methodist Church and Hall, Taranaki Street, WellingtonAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Samoa
Photographs relating to Wesley Methodist Parish, Taranaki Street, WellingtonAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Samoa
Photographs relating to Wesley Methodist Church and Hall, Taranaki Street, WellingtonAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Samoa
Photographs relating to Wesley Methodist Church and Hall, Taranaki Street, WellingtonAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Samoa
Photographs relating to Wesley Methodist Church and Hall, Taranaki Street, WellingtonAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji Samoa
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