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Orientation - Pourquoi les abeilles bourdonnent-elles ? (Why do bees buzz?)Pacific CommunityVideo
Compréhension - Leitangi SolomonsPacific CommunityVideo
Vocabulaire - Leitangi SolomonsPacific CommunityVideo
Vocabulaire - Les lunettes de Jimmy (Jimmy’s New Glasses)Pacific CommunityVideo
Compréhension - Les lunettes de Jimmy (Jimmy’s New Glasses )Pacific CommunityVideo
Orientation - Leitangi SolomonsPacific CommunityVideo
Orientation - Les lunettes de Jimmy (Jimmy’s New Glasses)Pacific CommunityVideo
Compréhension - Bora aide ses amis dauphins (Bora Helps His Dolphins Friends)Pacific CommunityVideo
Vocabulaire - Bora aide ses amis dauphins (Bora Helps His Dolphins Friends)Pacific CommunityVideo
Orientation - Bora aide ses amis dauphins (Bora Helps His Dolphins Friends)Pacific CommunityVideo
Qu’est-ce que PILNA TV ?Pacific CommunityVideo
Zoom sur les adhérents : opération régénérations des orangers de PunaruuPacific CommunityVideo
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