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[Servicemen marching in formation at military camp, Saipan]Museum of FlightImage Northern Marianas
[Christmas party at military camp, Saipan]Museum of FlightImage Northern Marianas
[Servicemen at military camp, Saipan]Museum of FlightImage Northern Marianas
[Servicemen cleaning mess kits at military camp, Saipan]Museum of FlightImage Northern Marianas
[Servicemen marching in formation, Saipan]Museum of FlightImage Northern Marianas
[Serviceman at military camp, Saipan]Museum of FlightImage Northern Marianas
[Wounded serviceman resting on bed]Museum of FlightImage
[Servicemen watching musical performance, Saipan]Museum of FlightImage Northern Marianas
[Mess hall adorned with Christmas decorations, Saipan]Museum of FlightImage Northern Marianas
[Nurses tending to wounded serviceman in body cast]Museum of FlightImage
[Chamorro people performing traditional dance, Saipan]Museum of FlightImage Northern Marianas
[Servicemen watching band performance, Saipan]Museum of FlightImage Northern Marianas
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