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Jose and Rita McCarthy and their children - Photographed by Brett RichardsonAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Samoa
Holland, Nathaniel Dance (Sir), 1734-1811 :Captain James Cook / Discoverer of New South Wales. S S[?] lith. [1878]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage
Scenes in Shorland Park, Island Bay, WellingtonAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Hawaiʻi
Visit of the Japanese warships, Asama and Iwate, to Wellington, New ZealandAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Speer, William Henry d 1867 :[Speer album] 1860-1867Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Hutchinson, E: Montage of photographs by Josiah Martin depicting scenes and portraits of MaoriAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Tonga
Holland, Nathaniel Dance (Sir), 1734-1811 :Captain James Cook, F R S. [after Nathaniel Dance Holland and John Keyse Sherwin, ca 1795]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage
Artist unknown :[James Cook]. T. Major sculpt. Reg. Cap. 1759Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage
Artist unknown :Captain James Cook, F.R.S. S. Hill sc[ulpt]. Boston. [1797]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage
Holland, Nathaniel Dance (Sir), 1734-1811 :Captain James Cook. N Dance / J Horsburgh. Published by Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. [1836]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage
Holland, Nathaniel Dance (Sir), 1734-1811 :Captain James Cook. N Dance pinxt. J K Sherwin sculp. Published April 20th 1779 by I K Sherwin No.234 StrandAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage
Stothard, Thomas, 1755-1834 :[Philosophy inviting Youth to the heights of Science]. T. Stothard del. T Cook sculp. [ca 1789]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage
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