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Italian women with Allied soldiers, Sora, Italy, during World War IIAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Tonga
Karanga Tangaroa action on Mission Bay beach, AucklandAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage
Photograph of the Rev Kenape Faletoese and the Rev Jimmy Kiriau at the Pacific Islanders' Church, Constable Street, Newtown, WellingtonAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage
Views of Rintoul Street, BerhamporeAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Samoa
Kuia and children at Hui Topu, the first all Aotearoa Anglican Maori hui, Turangawaewae Marae, NgaruawahiaAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Tūrangawaewae Marae
Files relating to Kynaston (Monty) Lyons-Montgomery's service in World War IIAlexander Turnbull LibraryType Unknown Vanuatu
Traditional Maori artifactsAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
Scenes taken at Hui Topu, the first all Aotearoa Anglican Maori hui, Turangawaewae Marae, NgaruawahiaAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Multiple Locations
Scenes taken at Hui Topu, the first all Aotearoa Anglican Maori hui, Turangawaewae Marae, NgaruawahiaAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Multiple Locations
Scenes taken at Hui Topu, the first all Aotearoa Anglican Maori hui, Turangawaewae Marae, NgaruawahiaAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Multiple Locations
Dr Stephen Taylor 'Fasting for Peace' in Auckland; and scenes near Civic Theatre corner and Princes StreetAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Multiple Locations
Hurricanes rugby team and fans at victory parade, WellingtonAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Samoa
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Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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