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"Union Bowling tour of Fiji" textAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
New Zealand troops marching in Apia, Western Samoa, during World War 1Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Samoa
Artist unkown :The beauty of the Pacific. Published by Currier & Ives, 152 Nassau St New York. [Between 1856 and 1907]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Polynesia Hawaiʻi
Arago, Jacques Etienne Victor, 1790-1855 :Ooro, one of the principal chiefs of Ouriouriou. King of the Sandwich Islands. [1823]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Hawaiʻi
Members of the First Battalion Fiji Infantry Regiment, waiting for an air drop during the 1952 Malayan EmergencyAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Fruit stall, Papeete, Tahiti, showing large amounts of fruit on top of a busAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Multiple Locations
Papeete waterfront, Tahiti, showing sunset, horse drawn cart and men who have finished fishingAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Multiple Locations
Le Breton, Louis Auguste Marie, 1818-1866 :Pirogue des naturels de Balahou. Dessine par L. Le Breton. Lith. par Sabatier. Paris. Gide Editeur. Imp. Lemercier, Paris, [1846].Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Road scene, Papeete, Tahiti, showing a man trimming hedge and other local men talkingAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Multiple Locations
[Buzacott, Aaron], 1800-1864 :Makea. 1866.Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Cook Islands
Tio Marsters and John James Marsters working on the keel of cutter 'Melbourne', on Palmerston IslandAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage
A scene in Korolevu, Fiji, showing a row of huts with thatched roofs, with an Austin 1100 car and an unidentified woman standing alongsideAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
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