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Fijian firewalkers at the New Zealand International Exhibition, ChristchurchAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
South Pacific - Fiji - Anti-tank wall, Suva PeninsulaAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Short grammar of the Natroga dialect / by Rev John HuntAlexander Turnbull LibraryText
Members of Fijian basketball team to play against the Hutt Valley B teamAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Group of unidentified men sitting in a forest area, at RNZAF (Royal New Zealand Air Force) camp, Guadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Solomon Islands
An unidentified vegetable seller at a market, Suva, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Two unidentified men at a outdoor market, Suva, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Unidentified man and woman outside Northern Hotels, Ba, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Three unidientified men standing outside [Northern Hotels?], Ba, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Open grassy area in front of buildings, Lautoka, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Open grassy area in front of buildings, Lautoka, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Below the clouds, waters of Fiji, Imperial Airways LtdAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
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Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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