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Atlas du voyage de Bruny-Dentrecasteaux, contre-amiral de France, commandant les fregates la Recherche et l'Esperance, fait par ordre du gouvernement en 1791, 1792 et 1793 : publie par ordre de sa majeste l'empereur et roi, sous le ministere de son excellence le vice-amiral Decres ... / par C.F. Beautemps-Beaupre ... ..State Library of NSWMap Australia
Polynesia / drawn under the direction of Mr. Pinkerton by L. Hebert ; Neele sculpt., 352 StrandState Library of NSWMap Polynesia
Pacific Ocean and the Bay of Bengal / compiled and drawn in the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic Magazine ; James M. Darley, chief cartographer ; culture by Apphia E. Holdstock and Donald G. Bouma ; physiography by John J. BrehmState Library of NSWMap Multiple Locations
Geological map of the British Solomon Islands / drawn and prepared for colour printing by J. B. Lai. Stratigraphical correlation by P. J. Coleman. Geology compiled from all available sources by the Dept. of Geological SurveysState Library of NSWMap
New Guinea victories / issued by Director General Army Public RelationsState Library of NSWMap Papua New Guinea Online
Admiralty Islands : provisional map / prepared under the direction of the Chief Engineer, GHQ, SWPA, by Base Map Plant, U.S. Army, GHQ, SWPA ; reproduced by BMP, U.S. Army, GHQ, SWPAState Library of NSWMap Papua New Guinea 1943 to 1944
New GuineaState Library of NSWMap Papua New Guinea
Chart of the Marquesas from various surveys / compiled by A. Arrowsmith ; engraved by FootState Library of NSWMap French Polynesia
Topographic map of the island of Guam, Mariana Islands / mapped by the Army Map Service, published for civil use by the Geological Survey, compiled in 1954 by the Army Map ServiceState Library of NSWMap Guam
Laurie and Whittle's new chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans between the Cape of Good Hope, New Holland and Japan : comprehending New Zealand, New Caledonia, New Britain, New Ireland, New Guinea &c., Louisiade and New Georgia; also The Pelew, New Caroline, Ladrone and Philippine Islands &c. with the most remarkable tracks of the English, Spanish, French and Dutch navigators and chiefly the track of the Walpole, EastIndiaman, Captn. Thos. Butler, 1794 from the Cape of Good Hope to Van Diemen's Land and from thence to China, and the track of the Royal Admiral Captn. Henr. Bond in 1792 and 93 from the Cape to Port Jackson and ChinaState Library of NSWMap Multiple Locations Online
Tonga / compiled and drawn by Directorate of Overseas SurveysState Library of NSWMap Tonga
Soil map of Raoul or Sunday Island, Kermadec Group / prepared from data supplied by the Lands & Survey Dept., soils by A.C.S. Wright, Soil Bureau, Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research ; drawn by C.T.T. Webb and J. F. SymondsState Library of NSWMap Kermadec Islands
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