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"Hearse and Escort of Honor" Street Scene during Funeral of Soldier, 27th Infty. U.S.V. Honolulu, HIUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage
The "Elder" Leaving Honolulu, HIUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage
"Surf bathing at Waikiki Beach" Honolulu, HIUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage
"Portugese Church" Honolulu, HIUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage
"Walls of the Gods" Grounds of the Queen's Hospital. Honolulu, HIUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage
"Queen's Palace" Honolulu, HIUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage
"The Firing Party" Funeral of Soldier of 27th U.S. Vol. Infty., Honolulu HIUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage
Ensor Family Loose Photographic AlbumUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage
"Beach at Waikiki""Diamond Head" in Background. Honolulu, HIUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage
"Celebration" 50th Anniversary of oldest and richest business house in Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu, HIUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage Hawaiʻi
"President Dole's Seaside Villa" Honolulu, HIUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage
"Post Office" Honolulu, HI, Native ArchitectureUniversity of South Carolina. South Caroliniana LibraryImage
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