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Nisei soldiers awaiting furloughSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage
Nisei veteran blinded in battleSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage
Nisei soldiersSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage
Fifth Army HeadquartersSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage
A mother receiving her son's Silver StarSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage
Nisei soldierSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage
National basketball tournamentSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage
Nisei soldier in foxholeSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage Solomon Islands
Mortar crewSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage
Nisei soldier digging a trenchSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage
Basic trainingSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage
Veterans of the 100th Infantry BattalionSeattle Nisei Veterans CommitteeImage
Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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