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Bono making speech by platformUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Preparing the bed for leaf ovenUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Ma'aanamae with wig and taba dance stickUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Folofo'u of Uka'oiUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Group of menUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Image of Man, with children in the backroundUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
A burialUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Batalamo and Boofanalamo, left to rightUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Young priest addresses his ancestors in the shrine before throwing them a token valuableUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Basuka omea preparations for mortuary feastUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Folofo'u bespells the plant material for langwalee'ai magicUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Plants on roof after use in langwalee'ai magic for new mother to come up from the birth area after seclusionUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
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