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Men and boys eat a sacrificial meal in a shrineUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Sango performance, NgarinaasuruUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Two men play gilo stamping tubesUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Canoes by the shoreUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Tomu KwalataUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
In the shrine, for a sacrificeUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Man smokingUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Older man with old police beltUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Diake, son of Laeniamae (father) and 'Osiabu (mother) of MaaburuUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Tome Arika in front of men's house at a compensation paymentUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Portrait of Maenaa'adi sitting by doorUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Mao dancingUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
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