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Coastal landscapeUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Ibaa, son of Larikeni, with stakes to ritually husk coconutUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Butchering pigsUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Live pigs being brought as contributions to a mortuary feastUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Orisiabata, Seda ba'ita's daughter, holding childUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Scenes around Uka'oiUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Woman and menstrual hut, with Sinalagu habour belowUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Basiitau and another manUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Sale, Biri Fa'afusia, and the father of Fa'afusiaUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Saelasi, butchering a pigUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Men in shrine for pig sacrificeUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Man measures a lousu'u, the most basic unit of shell moneyUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
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