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Private Norman Jack of the 25th Military Police Company uses an M60 machine gun to guard the entrance to the 25th MP Company's Tactical Operations Center during Exercise OPPORTUNE JOURNEY 4-84 at the Pohakuloa Training AreaNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
View looking down on the portside of the battleship USS ARIZONA (BB 39) showing the foundation of the casemate for the 5/51 caliber guns. The ARIZONA was sunk in the opening moments of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Technical Sergeant Lowell Mitchell, 137th Combat Support Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard, services a 16 mm motion picture film splicer in the audiovisual services departmentNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Onlookers applaud two contestants as they cross the finish line after completing the 26-mile marathon, part of the 1987 Ironman CompetitionNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
GEN Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of STAFF, slautes during the Sunset Ceremony for Pearl Harbor survivors at t he Arizona Memorial Visitores Center. The ceremony is part of day-long observances commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl HarborNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A view of the USS ARIZONA Memorial which spans the sunken hulk of the battleship USS ARIZONA (BB 39). The battleship was sunk in the opening minutes of World War II during the Japanese attack on the harbor. Over 1000 men are entombed in the vessel's hull, which is now a national cemeteryNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A M198 155mm Towed Howitzer from Bravo Battery, 1ST Battalion, 12th Marines, 3rd Marine Regiment from Marine Corp Base Hawaii is ready for the start of the combined arms live fire exercise. The M198 is constructed of aluminum and steel, and is air transportable by CH-53E helicopter and C-130 or larger fixed-wing aircraft. Maximum effective range with conventional ammunition is 22,400 meters (13.92 miles) and with a rocket-assisted projectile, 30,000 meters (18.64 miles)National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
US Marine Corps (USMC) Lance Corporal (LCPL) Martinez, Golf Company, 2nd Battalion (BN) 3rd Marine Regiment, pretends to apply a tourniquet during Squad Competitions in preparation for the Super Squad CompetitionNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A US Marine Corps (USMC) AAV7A1 Amphibious Assault Vehicle assigned to the 3rd Amphibious Assault Battalion maneuvers through the waters of the Pacific Ocean, after exiting the well deck of the US Navy (USN) Tarawa Class Amphibious Assault Ship, USS PELEIU (LHA 5), heading toward the beach at Training Area Bellows, Hawaii (HI), to conduct infantry and amphibious training. (SUBSTANDARD)National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
A Royal Australian Air Force F-111C aircraft comes in for a landing on the island of Oahu.National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A 1/96th scale model of the wrecked battleship the USS ARIZONA (BB-39) which was sunk during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A round from an M-198 Howitzer from 1ST Battalion, 12th Marines, blasts over a dormant steam vent in the Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii, during a Hawaiian Combined Arms OperationNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
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