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Mr. Xu Yimin, right, Defense and Military Attache, People's Republic of China, accepts a plaque from VADM Edward S. Briggs, deputy and chief of staff, while visiting his office at headquarters U.S. Pacific FleetNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Crew members man the rails aboard the battleship USS MISSOURI (BB-63) as the ship departs from the naval station after a visit. The MISSOURI is returning to its home port of Naval Station, Long Beach, Calif., after serving in the Persian Gulf region during Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm.National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
US Marine Corps Private First Class Hackworth from the 1ST Battalion, 3rd Marines, Weapons Company, sights in a M252 81mm Mortar during a training exercise at Pohakuloa Training Area on the Big Island of HawaiiNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
US Air Force (USAF) General (GEN) William J. Begert, Commander, Pacific Air Force (PACAF), arrives for the Order of the Sword Ceremony at the Tradewinds Enlisted Club Hickam Air Force Base (AFB), Hawaii (HI) and walks through the center of the Air Force Drill Team as they perform a drill. GEN Begert is retiringNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
Marines from Charlie Company, 1ST Battalion, 3rd Marines, armed with M16 rifles yell commands to a fictitious crowd in preparation for crowds gathered around the mock embassy at the Bellows Training Area, Pohakuloa Training Area, HawaiiNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
As the sun sets, flight operations on the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS CARL VINSON (CVN-70) are just warming up as an F-18 Hornet crew participates in the exercise RIMPAC 98National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Marines from Bravo Battery, 1ST Battalion, 12th Marines, 3rd Marine Regiment make adjustments to a M198 155mm Medium Towed Howitzer during a combined arms live fire exercise. The M198 is constructed of aluminum and steel, and is air transportable by CH-53E helicopter and C-130 or larger fixed-wing aircraft. Maximum effective range with conventional ammunition is 22,400 meters (13.92 miles) and with a rocket-assisted projectile, 30,000 meters (18.64 miles)National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
US Marine Corps Lance Corporal Beebe, a videographer from the Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, Combat Visual Information Center, shoots video at the Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii, grenade range during a Hawaiian Combined Arms Operation. (Substandard image)National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
Onboard the US Navy (USN) Military Sealift Command (MSC), Hospital Ship, USNS MERCY (T-AH 19), USN Hospital Corpsman Third Class Misac Lopez lowers the ENSIGN as the ship passes the Arizona Memorial at Navy Base Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (HI). The USNS MERCY is starting a scheduled five-month deployment to deliver aid and humanitarian assistance to the Pacific Islands, and Southeast Asia.2006) Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Misac Lopez lowers the ENSIGN as USNS Mercy (T-AH19) passes The Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor. Misac is an optometry technician on Mercy during its five month humanitarian assistance mission in the Pacific. During Mercy s deployment it will visit areas of South...National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
A port quarter view of the frigate USS BRONSTEIN (FF-1037) underway off the coast of HonoluluNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
The evaluators for the 3rd Marine Regiment set up camp and prepare for the work day in the Pohakuloa Training Area, HawaiiNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A port bow view of the frigate USS OULLET (FF-1077) underway off the coast of Barking SandsNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
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