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Aircrew members leave the Strategic Airlift Command building during Exercise Glad Customer '82National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A port bow view of the amphibious assault ship USS GUAM (LPH-9) underway during Operation Desert ShieldNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
US Marine Corps (USMC) Marines from 2nd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton, California (CA), conduct a riot control exercise stopping access to a restricted area during a simulated non-combatant evacuation operation (NEO) at the US Naval Forces Marianas Support Activity, Guam, during Exercise TANDEM THRUST 2003National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A wreath sits on top of transfer cases draped in American Flags on board a C-17 Globemaster cargo aircraft at Andersen Air Force Base (AFB), GuamNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Parts of the wall surrounding the flight line area lay in ruins after super-typhoon Pongsona struck Sunday December 8th at Andersen Air Force Base (AFB), GuamNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A port view of the frigate USS ALBERT DAVID (FF 1050) moored in the harborNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
US Air Force (USAF) maintenance members use a MB-2 aircraft tow tractor to position a USAF B-1B Lancer into position on the ramp at Andersen Air Force Base (AFB), Guam. The B-1B and maintainers are here in support of the 7th Air Expeditionary Wing's (AEW) missionNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Members of a firefighting team and a repair party member go over instructions prior to taking part in a drill aboard the amphibious assault ship USS GUAM (LPH 9). The repair party member is equipped with a sound-powered phoneNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Sergeant (SGT) Jason Fournier, 2nd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment scans a role player for concealed contraband prior to escorting him to the Entry Control Point (ECP) during a simulated Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO), in support of Exercise TANDEM THRUST 2003National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A large plumb of smoke rises into the air following the detonation of an explosive device at the Emergency Disposal Range, at the Naval Magazine, at Santa Rita Naval Base, Guam (GU), during the Annual Multi-national Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Exercise known as TRICARB 2006." US Navy (USN), Royal Australian Navy (RAN), and Royal Singapore Navy (RSA) Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel came together to participate in the training eventNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Navy Seabees from Navy Mobile Construction Battalion Four (NMCB-4) assigned to Naval Facilities Guam help prepare Apra Harbor for personnel and equipment as the Navy relinquishes Subic Bay back to the Philippine Government. EXACT DATE SHOT UNKNOWNNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A Marine Corps color guard stands at parade rest while participating in a welcoming ceremony for the combat stores ship USS NIAGARA FALLS (AFS 3) at Naval Station GuamNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
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