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A US Navy (USN) Landing Craft Air-Cushion (LCAC) craft make its way ashore a beach at Bellows Air Force Station (AFS), Hawaii (HI), during an amphibious assault training during Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2006. The exercise designed to increase the tactical proficiency of participating units in a wide array of combined sea operations. RIMPAC 2006 brings together military forces from Australia (AUS), Canada (CAN), Chile (CHL), Peru (PER), Japan (JPN), the Republic of Korea (KOR), United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US)National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
CPL Joe Federico from the 2d Battalion, 8th Marines, out of Camp Lejeune, N.C., brushes his teeth at Marine Expeditionary Camp-Pohang (MEC-P), Oct. 11, 1998. Federico, originally from Honolulu, Hawaii, is a baker deployed to MEC-P in support of Foal Eagle '98National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
US Marine Corps (USMC) Marines assigned to Combat Service Support Group 3 (CSSG-3), Marine Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC) uses a Rough Terrain Forklift to upload a Combat Camera and Printing (CC&P) portable transport van onto a transport truck at Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii (HI), as the Unit prepares for deployment to Iraq, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOMNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
A joint service color guard parades the colors during an observance commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl HarborNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
PFC Benjamin Holmes of Co. B, 1ST Bn., 35th Inf., 25th Inf. Div., on guard duty at the entrance of the newly constructed underground Tactical Operations Center during Operation Thunderbolt. Holmes is armed with an M-16A1 rifle/grenade launcherNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
US Navy divers assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit One (MDSU-1 descend 115 feet to the ocean floor to begin their dive during recovery operations for the Japanese fishing vessel Ehime Maru off the coast of HawaiiNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
U.S. Marine Corps SGT. Maya and SGT. Garcia, Headquarters Battalion, assist SGT. Pretz (standing), Explosive Ordnance Disposal SPECIALIST, Combat Service Support Group-3, into a bomb suit at the Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Hawaii, Post Exchange parking lot on Dec. 9, 2004.(U.S. Marine Corps official photo by CPL. Nicholas Riddle) (Released)National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
An Air Force security policeman prepares to enter a smoke-filled building being occupied by "terrorists." He is with a group of security police who are participating in anti-terrorist training being conducted by the 1ST Marine Brigade SchoolNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A member of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force Song and Dance Troupe takes a photograph at the Hickam Officer's Club during a luau held in the troupe's honor. The troupe is here on the final stop of its US tourNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A US Marine Corps (USMC) Marine assigned to the 3rd Amphibious Assault Battalion sits atop his AAV7A1 Amphibious Assault Vehicle and removes his crew helmet, after a day of infantry training at Training Area Bellows, Hawaii (HI)National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
An aerial port bow view of the missile range instrumentation ship USNS OBSERVATION ISLAND (T-AGM 23) underway off the coast HawaiiNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
A fire team from the 1ST Battalion, 8th Field Artillery Regiment, sets up their M198 155 mm Howitzer during Exercise OPPORTUNE JOURNEY 2-86National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
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