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Children performing a spear dance, meke, Vuda village, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Fijian Indian farmers and boys, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Unidentified woman and girl being served a meal in the dining room of the Northern Hotels, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
King George and party outside palace during Charles Houghton Mill's visit to Nukualofa, TongaAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Tonga
Carved figureAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Vanuatu
Fijian native dancers, performing for tourists, Suva, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Fijian native dancers, performing for tourists, Suva, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
[Northern Hotels?], Rakiraki, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
[Sailing ship, the Aotearoa?] in Fiji waters, Imperial Airways LtdAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Unidentified women drinking tea in the sitting room of the Northern Hotels, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Unidentified guests at the meke, Vuda village, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
Unidentified woman and girl with waiters in the dining room of the Northern Hotels, FijiAlexander Turnbull LibraryImage Fiji
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