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Reparations Mission Party in Honolulu, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Chapman Family Arrives in HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
President Harry S. Truman and Admiral Arthur Radford in Backseat of CarHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Former President Harry S. Truman stands on a viewing stage with two Marines at the commissioning ceremony at the Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Chapmans Arrive at Hilo AirportHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Former President Harry S. Truman in HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Former President Harry S. Truman with Katie ConniffHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
James Chapman in HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Pauley Arrives at Hickam Field, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Kulani Work CampHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Bess and Margaret Truman at the Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Zelda Parks in HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
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Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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