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Truman signing Guam Civil Government ActHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Playing Baseball at Camp Dealey Submarine Recuperation CampHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
The Swimming Beach and Dock at Camp DealeyHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Lowell Thomas and Friends Provide Some Home Grown Entertainment for the TroopsHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
General Omar Bradley and President Truman at the PaliHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Former President Harry S. Truman at the conclusion of ceremonies at the Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
The Civil Aeronautics Administration Terminal at Wake IslandHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Former President Harry S. Truman and Military Officers in Kane'ohe Bay, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
YOC Dedication Ceremonies in Honolulu, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
The Dawsons in HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Frank Seeley Receiving an HonorHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Georgiana Parks in HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
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