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Former President Harry S. Truman and Military Officers in Kane'ohe Bay, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
YOC Dedication Ceremonies in Honolulu, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
The Dawsons in HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Frank Seeley Receiving an HonorHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Georgiana Parks in HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Former President Truman visiting with Edwin Pauley and othersHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Zelda Parks in HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Hawaiian Welcome for USS Manchester at Pearl HarborHarry S. Truman LibraryImage Hawaiʻi
Battleship U.S.S. Missouri as she sailed past the Island of HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Margaret Truman aboard the S.S. President ClevelandHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Former President Harry S. Truman visiting with an unidentified man and two unidentified Marines at the Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Marine Pilots Standing Near Their AircraftHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
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