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Former President Truman and Kate Conniff on Coconut Island, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Hannegan Arrives in HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Dean Acheson speaks before the ANZUS Council in Kaneohe, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts in HonoluluHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Former President Truman and Jackson McBride with the "Liberty Bell Brigade" truckHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Hannegan Hawaii VacationHarry S. Truman LibraryImage Hawaiʻi
President Harry S. Truman and an unidentified officer en route to Kailua Beach, HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Satellite photo of HawaiiHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Poses for A PictureHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Former President Truman aboard the S.S. President ClevelandHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Dinner Party Hosted by C.S. WoHarry S. Truman LibraryImage
Rear Admiral Lewis S. Parks in Hawaii on VacationHarry S. Truman LibraryImage Hawaiʻi
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