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A TEACHER (1 December 1975)Trove Digital LibraryText Oceania Online
Books, Reviews, writers A SHADOWY RUSSIAN IN UNKNOWN NEW GUINEA (1 December 1975)Trove Digital LibraryText Papua New Guinea Samoa Easter Island / Rapa Nui Micronesia Online
From the Islands Press (1 December 1975)Trove Digital LibraryText American Samoa Cook Islands Niue Online
Advertising (1 December 1975)Trove Digital LibraryText Oceania Online
Books, Reviews, writers SEARCH FOR PNG'S ARTISTIC SOUL (1 October 1975)Trove Digital LibraryText Papua New Guinea Online
Advertising (1 October 1975)Trove Digital LibraryText Oceania Online
APIA'S "CRIME WAVE" (17 November 1944)Trove Digital LibraryText Oceania Online
HEALTH IS NOT RUINING TONGANS” (1 October 1952)Trove Digital LibraryText Oceania Online
TAHITI'S NATURE MAN AS TOLD BY OSCAR NORDMAN TO R. W. ROBSON (1 February 1953)Trove Digital LibraryText Oceania Online
By sea from Apia to Pago in a trip to remember (1 February 1969)Trove Digital LibraryText Samoa Online
Short story MATUPIT’S FIRST BUSINESSMAN (1 December 1973)Trove Digital LibraryText Oceania Online
Queen Salote to Attend Coronation (1 December 1952)Trove Digital LibraryText Oceania Online
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