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Inception workshop report - Managing coastal aquifers (MCA) ProjectPacific CommunityText
Tonga offshore survey, 17 September - 2 October 1977Pacific CommunityText
Hydrocarbon potential of the Lau ridge: Reid reef to Ogea Levu IslandPacific CommunityText
Integrated water resources management in Pacific Island Countries, a synopsisPacific CommunityText
Pacific energy and gender annotated bibliography, September 2005Pacific CommunityText
Aanderra current meter deployment, Suva harbour, Laucala bay, Viti Levu, Fiji, March 1994Pacific CommunityText
Cruise report on the second leg of the Joint CCOP/SOPAC Australia, New Zealand, U.S Crusie of R/V Kana Keoki North Fiji Basin, KK82-03-16 Leg 03Pacific CommunityText
Solomon Islands Sea Level Information #12Pacific CommunityText
Water quality laboratory training workshop report for the Southern Pacific Island Countries, 14-18 May 2007, IAS Building, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji IslandsPacific CommunityText
Technical note _ revised land cover type mapping utlising GeoEye image data, Nonouti Island, Republic of KiribatiPacific CommunityText
Visit to the Federated States of Micronesia, 20-31 August 1995Pacific CommunityText
A review of flooding in Macuata Province, Fiji Islands, April 2000Pacific CommunityText
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