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Responses to Rev William Gunns questions 'Regarding Natives of New Hebrides'PARADISECText
Responses to Rev William Gunn's queries re Futuna ethnographyPARADISECText
Responses to Rev William Gunn's queries re Malekula ethnographyPARADISECText
Responses to Rev William Gunn's queries from W . N. MurrayPARADISECText
Responses to Rev William Gunn's queries re Point Resolution, Tanna islandPARADISECText
Atchin Twenty Years Ago by John W. LayardPARADISECText
Maze Dances and the Ritual of the Labyrinth in Malekula by John LayardPARADISECText
Aneityum ethnographic notesPARADISECText
Notes on the Regulations of Marriage in AmbrymPARADISECText
Letter from Ralph Grant about the Guga peoplePARADISECText
Verwandschaft und Freundschaft Analytische Bermerkungen zur Sozial Struktur der Melanesier von Sud-West MalekulaPARADISECText
Maps of VanuatuPARADISECText
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