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English-Emae word list.PARADISECText
Vocabulary, Emae (Polynesian section).PARADISECText
Emae (Polynesian section). Revised Melanesian word list.PARADISECText
Emae sentences.PARADISECText
Netaiyi Uge Esra. Biblical text in unattributed language.PARADISECText
Netaiyi Ugi Ruth. Biblical text in unattributed language.PARADISECText
Three Biblical texts - Netaiyi Uge Yonas; Netaiyi Emi Profet Malaki; Narofs Eni Solomon.PARADISECText
Stories in unspecified language(s) (found in file of Emae papers). 1. Boy & Coconuts (BC) 2. The Prodigal Son 3. Translation of Tusikerua.PARADISECText
No 1. Vocabulary of Melanesian languages (Sesake), New Hebrides Islands.PARADISECText
Comparative phrases [Epi dialects]. With Paama and Namakua.PARADISECText
Eastern Vanuatu languages comparative vocabulariesPARADISECText
Letters to Capell from A.G. Horwell, Lemenu Mission, Vanuatu.PARADISECText
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