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Vanuatu languages comparative vocabularies VPARADISECText
Efate comparative vocabularies: English-Erakor-Eton/Ep̃u-Paunangis/Emua-Lelepa-Havannah Harbour-'Samoa'.PARADISECText
Comparative vocabularies; English-Eton-Paunangis-Lelepa.PARADISECText
Lelepa. Story ['A little boy had got some food'].PARADISECText
Efate vocabulary (chiefly Erakor).PARADISECText
Efate dialectsPARADISECText
Natus ni NaterausienPARADISECText
Efatese Grammar and dictionaryPARADISECText
Texts in languages from EfatePARADISECText
The Gospel According to Luke in the language of EfatePARADISECText
The Prodigal Son Story in Samoa Point/Havannah HarbourPARADISECText
Tusi Nafausien ni Nafisna Uia Ni Atua EfatePARADISECText
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