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View at Huaheine [i.e. Huahine], French Polynesia, ca. 1850Libraries TasmaniaImage French Polynesia
A chart of the Pacific Ocean exhibiting the new discoveriesLibraries TasmaniaMap Pacific Ocean 1800 to 1810 Online
Karta over Polynesien : af Daniel Djurberg, Rect. Ledam, of Cosmograf. Salsk. i UpsLibraries TasmaniaMap South Pacific Ocean
A map of the discoveries made by Captn. Willm. Dampier in the Roebuck in 1699 / E. Bowen scLibraries TasmaniaMap Papua New Guinea 1744 to 1748
Carte générale de l'Australie et de la partie sud-ouest de l'Océanie / dressée par A. Brué, Géographe ; revue et augmentée par Ch. PicquetLibraries TasmaniaMap Multiple Locations
Novae Guineae forma, & situsLibraries TasmaniaMap Papua New Guinea
OceaniqueLibraries TasmaniaMap Multiple Locations
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