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"Artifacts"Temple UniversityImage
"Hiding crippled cruiser from nosey japs"Temple UniversityImage Solomon Islands
State Guards on maneuvers keeping up with the WarTemple UniversityImage
29th annual Auxiliary conventionTemple UniversityImage
"From Red Hill just outside Honolulu"Temple UniversityImage
Pearl Harbor survivors call roll at memorial ceremoniesTemple UniversityImage
"Ten Finalists From Lovely Lineup at Miss America Pageant"Temple UniversityImage
View of the commissioning ceremony aboard the U.S.S. SaipanTemple UniversityImage
"Decorated on Guadalcanal anniversary"Temple UniversityImage
All-Philadelphia Boys Choir performs on John F. Kennedy PlazaTemple UniversityImage
"Philadelphia-made 'copter lands aboard the Saipan"Temple UniversityImage
Lakeville International SeminarTemple UniversityImage
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