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Observation tower on Bikini Island, summer 1964University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Beach showing wreckage from Operation Crossroads, on Bikini or Enyu Island, 1947University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Copra drying shed and village, Likiep Atoll, summer 1949University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Crew emptying a net full of fish after a dive, Bikini Atoll, 1947University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Kelshaw Bonham taking radiation readings from a crab aboard ship, Bikini Atoll, summer 1964University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Remains of a beach marker still standing after Operation Crossroads, Bikini Island, summer 1947University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
R. F. Foster weighing fish samples, probably in the vicinity of Bikini Atoll, 1947University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Group of scientists wading out on to the reef to examine location for spreading fish poison at Namu Island, 1947University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Native women and children playing guitar and singing, Likiep Atoll, August 20, 1949University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Scientists and natives discussing the food shortage on Rongerik Island, 1947University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Water hole in coconut tree used by natives, Bikini Atoll, summer 1947University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
Coral reef between Enar and Rokar Islands of Bikini Atoll, summer 1947University of WashingtonImage Marshall Islands
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