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Caridaoan, SantiagoBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Tomas, CrescencioBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
GEN John G. Lorber, Commander, Pacific Air Forces, dressed in flight suit and wearing unit baseball cap, speaks at his retirement ceremonyNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Concepcion, AndreaBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Montano, ZacariasBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Quartermaster 3rd Class Laura Hussey stands by to coxwain one of the Navy's shuttle boats that take passengers out to the USS ARIZONA Memorial. Engineman 3rd Class Greg Orsik stands by to assist passengers in boarding the boatNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Adviento, FernandoBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Aqui, ArcadioBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
The American Navy, Cuba and Hawaii : reproductions of photographs, Part 12University of Miami LibrariesImage Hawaiʻi
Sasuman, CristutoBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Colon, Santiago AntonioBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Volume 101: October 2, 1917 - November 26, 1917National Archives at Washington, DC - Textual ReferenceText
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