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Dumrigi, JosefaBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
A Japanese P-3C Orion from Detachment 33, Japan Maritine Self Defense Force, Atsugi and an American P-3C from the Skinny Dragons of Patrol Squadron 4, Naval Air Station Barber's Point, Hawaii, part of the bilateral force during the exercise RIMPAC '98, patrol the ocean near HawaiiNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage Hawaiʻi
MOD-OA4 WIND TURBINE SITE IN KAHUKU OAHU HAWAIINational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Labanpa, LuisBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Outrigger canoes coming to shore at Waikiki Beach, HonoluluCalifornia Historical SocietyImage
Balac, AdrianoBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Paller, SaturninoBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Ansagay, HelenaBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Montiveros, FaustinoBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
De la Cruz, Lucio @ Manuel, Federico AntonioBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Bareng, FedericoBrigham Young University-HawaiiText
Adaptability of nitrate specific ion electrode for nitrate analysis in tropical soilsUniversity of IllinoisText
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