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Fa'angasi throws reed spears at tree targetUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Oiru'a with traditional ornamentsUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Man with subi club, fo'osae cane belt, and baa, bar steel reinforcement rod spearUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Village, either Langalanga or LauUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
HamletUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Luisa Keleta's drawing of her house shows bamboo patternUC San Diego, The UC San Diego LibraryImage Vanuatu
Portrait of older man, probably FuamaeUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Men playing 'auilangi panpipes, kwa'ikwa'i style, impromptu concert, 8 playersUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Lembwelsong along the seasideUC San Diego, The UC San Diego LibraryImage Vanuatu
Ceremonial gatheringUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Bataafuna playing 'o'o slitgongUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
Portrait of manUC San Diego, Special Collections and ArchivesImage Solomon Islands
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