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STS108-720-051 - STS-108 - Earth observations taken during STS-108National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Commander, Naval Forces, Northern Solomon Islands, 9/1/43-3/1/45National Archives at College Park - Textual ReferenceText
A show given by the youth from Chepenehe districtUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage New Caledonia
AWARD, GERMANY ; MEMORIAL DAY, GUADALCANAL, SOLOMON ISLANDSNational Archives at College Park - Motion PicturesVideo
Samoa and FijiHuntington LibraryImage
AST-16-1173 - Apollo Soyuz Test Project - Apollo Soyuz Test Project, Solomons Island, New Georgia and Kolombangara IslandsNational Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
[No caption entered] (U.S. Air Force Number 71604AC)National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
Overlay indexes for degree square 10S161ENational Archives at College Park - CartographicImage
John G. Paton : le gran apôtre des cannibalesUniversity of CaliforniaText Vanuatu
[No caption entered] (U.S. Air Force Number 71541AC)National Archives at College Park - Still PicturesImage
During the Service, a policeman, a stick in the hand, make sure that dogs and noisy children do not enter the churchUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage New Caledonia
From Fiji to the Cannibal IslandsPenn State UniversityText Fiji Vanuatu
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