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Plate IV. Economy of the Pacific. Pageant of the Pacific.David RumseyImage
Karte von Grossbritannien und Ireland : Nach Kitchin, Dorret Und Jefferys. Neu verzeichnet herausgegeben von Franz Joh. Jos. Von Reilly. Zu finden im von Reilly'schen Landkarten und Kunstwerke Verschleiss Komptoir. Wien, 1795. Gestochen von Hieron. Benedicti. (insetO Shetands Insseln. (to accompany) Grosser Deutscher Atlas.David RumseyImage
Low Archipelago or Paumotu Group by the U.S. Ex. Ex. 1839. (Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard. 1845)David RumseyImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
Metia (Makatea) Island, Paumotu Group by the U.S.Ex.Ex. 1839. Taweree (Tauere) or St. Simeon or Resolution Island, Paumotu Group, by the U.S.Ex.Ex. 1841. Takurea or Wolconsky Island, Paumotu Group, by the U.S.Ex.Ex. 1841. Seagull Islands, Paumotu Group, by the U.S.Ex.Ex. 1841.David RumseyImage
New Holland, with the adjacent Polynesia. Published by W. Faden. Jany. 1,1819. W. Palmer, Sc. (to accompany) Atlas minimus universalis, or, A geographical abridgement ancient and modern of the several parts of the earth ... Second edition. Jan 1, 1821.David RumseyImage
Carte Particuliere de La Polynesie (parties orientale dt septentrionale et l'Oceanie). Dresse par A. Brue, Geographe. Reoue par E. Levasseur, Membre de l'Institut, Institut Geographique de Paris. Ch. Delagrave & Cie. Editeurs de la Societe de Geographie. 58 Rue des Ecoles. Atlas Universel en 67 feuilles No. 51.David RumseyImage Marshall Islands New Caledonia
Australien. (insets) Tasmania oder Van Diemens Land. Neu Sealand. Hawaii Archipelagus. Tahiti Archipelagus.David RumseyImage
Polynesia. Drawn under the direction of Mr. Pinkerton by L. Hebert. Neele sculpt. 352 Strand. London: published Janr. 1st. 1813, by Cadell & Davies, Strand & Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, Paternoster Row.David RumseyImage
Gray's Atlas Map of Oceanica, 1873.David RumseyImage
Carte de L'Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du Monde. (inset) Details d'une Partie de la Nouvelle Galles Meridionale.David RumseyImage
(Composite Map) Polynesien und der Grosse Ocean.David RumseyImage
The Pacific Ocean including Oceanica with its several Divisions, Islands, Groups &c. Entered ... 1856 by Charles Desilver ... Pennsylvania. (inset map) The Sandwich of Hawaiian Islands, and (Edge of the) Antarctic Continent.David RumseyImage
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